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About Science, Health, and Public Trust
This section provides perspectives, tools, and resources to improve the quality and usefulness of information about science and health for the public. The overall goal is to share strategies and best practices that might contribute to public understanding of the nature of biomedical research and its role in health. Read more »
NIH PIO Network
The NIH Public Information Officers Network is designed to link communications professionals together to deliver the best available scientific, medical, and health information to the public.
Clear Communication
This initiative focuses on using plain language approaches and new technologies to provide information that is accessible to specific audiences based on cultural respect.
Why is it important to know the science of health? Simply put, because there is a lot of misinformation out there—from anecdotes disguised as evidence to excessive claims made by supplement manufacturers to TV doctors touting the latest “miracle cure.”
A collection of tipsheets, primers, links and other resources to help journalists and consumers evaluate claims about health care interventions.