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Community Liaison Council Meeting Minutes — March 15, 2012
March 15, 2012; 4:00 to 5:30 PM
Natcher Building
Visitor Center, Little Theater
Opening Remarks — Ginny Miller, CLC Co-Chair
Ms. Miller began the meeting with a discussion on moving the CLC meetings to every other month. The request came up during an agenda subcommittee meeting, Ms. Miller said. In a proposal drafted for the full meeting, the members of the subcommittee suggested these points:
- The proposal to change the frequency of the CLC meetings stems from the somewhat reduced meeting attendance which, however, has not changed in the last few years.
- NIH is approaching full build-out, and many impacts of the NIH have been resolved. Some recent issues have appeared to be outside the CLC’s mission to discuss the impact of NIH upon the adjacent communities. While additional land-use activities such as BRAC significantly impact NIH and the adjacent communities, they might be completely independent of NIH
- Monthly meetings would resume as required and agreed upon by the CLC members.
- With regard to the NIH Master Plan, changes are rarely sudden and evolve over time. Changes to the Master Plan often presage later impacts upon neighborhoods. Therefore, all presentations by NIH staff should take place at regularly scheduled CLC meetings.
Ms. Miller asked the CLC members to give their views. Ms. Ozarin agreed to the change. Ms. Wade said the residents of the Whitehall Condo Association wanted to know how they would know when an issue came up. After reading the proposal, Ms. Wade said she understands she can request a meeting at any time. Mr. Schofer and Mr. Lemke said they favored the change.
Ms. Hildebrand expressed concerns that the CLC would have less of a voice by meeting every other month but she realized the group had fewer issues to discuss. Ms. Volz preferred to continue the monthly meetings to avoid diminishing the importance of the CLC. Ms. Miller expressed similar views, noting that members might forget the new meeting schedule and become less dedicated and involved. Given the number of issues to discuss, however, Ms. Michaels said she favored meeting every other month. Ms. Michaels added that she sits on other county committees that meet every other month, which doesn’t diminish the amount of people who attend. People might be more willing to attend when the agenda includes real issues to discuss, Ms. Michaels said.
Mr. Burklow noted that the proposal came from CLC members, not NIH. Further, meeting only to discuss relevant issues could strengthen the group’s focus. Members could get a formal update by e-mail during the alternating months to stay connected, Mr. Burklow suggested. Members also can call Ms. Robinson or Ms. Mowery for immediate concerns.
The group agreed to a meeting schedule of January, March, May, July, September and November. The group also discussed having NIH prepare packets of information, such as the NIH Record and News and Health, that CLC members can give to their neighbors. Ms. Miller also requested putting the meeting room chairs in a circle so CLC members can talk face to face.
Round Robin
In response to a question from Ms. Ozarin, Mr. Burklow said it might be time for a stormwater pond update. Members discussed the loss of some trees due to the BRAC project. Ms. Michaels gave an update on a request from an area developer, Stonebridge, to use NIH land. She also discussed upcoming repairs to cracks in the bike path along Cedar Lane.
Mr. Moss said Convent Drive should open April 9. Because the utility work isn’t complete, there will be only one lane of traffic southbound. Still, that may alleviate congestion at Lincoln in the morning, said Mr. Moss.
The meeting adjourned at 4:53 p.m. The next meeting will take place May17, 2012.
CLC Members
Marian Bradford, Camelot Mews
Lesley Hildebrand, Huntington Terrace
Darrel Lemke, Bethesda Parkview
Marilyn Mazuzan, Oakmont
Deborah Michaels, Glenbrook Village
Ginny Miller, Wyngate
Lucy Ozarin, MD, Whitehall
Ralph Schofer, Maplewood
Beth Volz, Locust Hill
Jennette Wade, Whitehall
NIH Staff
John Burklow, OCPL
Brad Moss, ORS, ORF
Tara Mowery, OCPL, OCL
Sharon Robinson, OCPL, OCL
Liaison Representatives
Randy Schools, NIH Recreation and Welfare
Sally Kaplan, West Montgomery Citizens
Joan Kleinman, congressional staffer for Rep. Chris Van Hollen
Laura Jackson, Audio Associates
This page last reviewed on March 9, 2017